COA - Foot Clinic
Wednesday, March 26, 9:00 am until 3:00 pm
Town Office - 55 Main Rd, Colrain, MA
The COA Foot Clinic is held downstairs of the Colrain Town Office building, located at 55 Main Rd, Colrain, and is accessible by the door facing Rt 112. All foot clinic days start promptly at 9:00am and usually end before 3:00pm.
Appointments are scheduled to fill all time slots on the first clinic date of the month, after that, then the second date of the month time slots will be filled. All appointment time slots are on a first come basis. Call Betty @ 413-624-3680 or Janice @ 413- 624-3378 to get a time slot. Suggested donation: $5.00
Of course living in the country could cause unexpected bad weather or illnesses that might prompt a rescheduled clinic date. Our Colrain Council on Aging strives to get all Colrain seniors good foot care if possible. This service is sponsored in part by LifePath and by the Colrain Council on Aging.