Planning Board meeting
via Conference Call - 1 (978) 990-5279 Access Code: 2920862
A meeting of the Planning Board
Meeting of Planning Board
Members: (Quorum)
- Absent: Betsy Corner, Member
- Present: Sara Wik, Member, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Robert Slowinski, Chair, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Loren Feinstein, Secretary, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Don Kahn, Member, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Gregory Olchowski, Member, at 7:03 PM
- Present: Marybeth Chichester, Member, at 7:09
Also Present:
- Denis DePaolo of Twisted Yields 108 W. Leyden Rd. Colrain
- Dominic Shellsey of Wellman Farm 108 W. Leyden Rd. Colrain
- Betty Johnson of 28 Cromack Ln
- Allice Wozniak of Colrain Assessors Office
Final Minutes
Meeting opened: 7:05 PM
Meeting closed: 8:44 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Wed, Mar 4 - Planning Board Meeting
Minutes Approved: Wed, Apr 1 - Planning Board Meeting
New Business
7:00PM: Special Permit and Site Plan Review of Wellman Farms, Inc. and Twisted Yields, Inc. - to operate two marijuana cultivation establishments to be located at 108 West Leyden Rd. [Map 415, Lot 26.2].
General Discussion...
Dominic presented a detailed synopsis of their SPR and SPP for the cultivation of marijuana on approx. 2 acres of fenced area at 108 W/ Leyden Rd.
-Described scope and operations.
-Described security.
-Indicated intention to pay full 3% community impact fee, as well as eventually provide other community support.
-Will employ at least 6 employees to start and will likely increase.
-Likely starting seedlings in greenhouses in Feb 2021 to then transition them to the outdoor cultivation area in later spring/early summer. There is a chance, if all permitting goes through, that they may start a smaller, partial crop for greenhouse growing for this late summer and fall of 2020.
Gregory asked if lighting, both security and growing, would be potential lighting pollution impact.
Denis described the expected low impact of lights, due to being on motion sensors and not extensive for growing.
Betty Johnson said as a neighbor, she has been able to see it, but it has not been a concern.
Dominic expressed that the security lighting will be motion sensor so not on at all times, and the lights when on will be aimed carefully to reduce impact on surrounding residents and be the minimum required.
Denis and Dominic expressed their commitment to work with local residents to minimize any unwanted impacts in general to the best of their abilities.
Marybeth asked when the CCC approval was expected.
Wellman Farms has submitted and received a provisional license.
Twisted Yields intends to submit their application in about 4 days.
Marybeth also pointed to the slight ambiguity of the presented narrative that mentions manufacturing as well as cultivation, and she is curious why.
Dominic and Denis clarified that they intend to do only cultivation and the drying, trimming, and packaging of the marijuana. They will not be doing any extraction or other processing, for which they do not intend to obtain a license at this time.
Gregory would ask that the SP state that there is approval for cultivation only.
Marybeth also indicated a misprint in the narrative that "Sherborne Rd" should actually be "Shelburne Line Rd.". Also she would like it noted that the area of the farm is actually more residential that just strictly farming, in terms of impact.
Betty Johnson wanted to share her support for the continued agricultural land use of the property and support of the cultivation.MOTION, moved by Don Kahn, seconded by Gregory Olchowski: To accept the two applications for SPR for 108 West Leyden Rd. with the word "manufacturing" struck from the application, in order to clarify that it is cultivation only.
Pass: Aye: Don Kahn, Sara Wik, Gregory Olchowski, Marybeth Chichester, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
- Wellman_Farm_SPP__SPR.pdf
- Twisted_Yields_SPP__SPR.pdf
- 2020-04-24_Depaolo_Special_Permit_Set.pdf
- 20-04-24_Depaolo_Code_Narative.pdf
- Site_Plan_Review.pdf - Review Criteria for Site Plan Review
- Special_Permit.pdf - Review Criteria for Special Permit
7:45PM: Map 413, Lot 35.3 - Requested by Assessors - Determine if lot is buildable within zoning requirements.
General Discussion...
A lot of clarification was discussed concerning the note in question on the surveyors map.
The determination was that more research and back-checking is necessary before the board can make any determination. Perhaps looking back in the PB meeting minutes, circa May 1994. -
8:17PM: Review Plans for Road Construction - Request from Select Board
MOTION, moved by Gregory Olchowski, seconded by Don Kahn: That we, the Colrain Planning Board, approve the proposed layout alteration with no additional comment.
Pass: Aye: Don Kahn, Sara Wik, Gregory Olchowski, Marybeth Chichester, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
- 200608000943_0001.pdf - Letter from Select Board
- 14098B-LO-TN_200603.pdf - Map of Proposal
8:28pm: FCRPB Nomination - With Johnathan Lagreze stepping down, we need to appoint a new Colrain representative to the Franklin County Regional Planning Board.
General Discussion...
Marybeth has volunteered to be the new representative, should the Colrain Planning Board nominate her.MOTION, moved by Robert Slowinski, seconded by Sara Wik: To nominate Marybeth Chichester to be the new representative to the FCRPB.
Pass: Aye: Don Kahn, Sara Wik, Gregory Olchowski, Marybeth Chichester, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
Marybeth accepts.
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Wed, Aug 5, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- via Conference Call - 1 (978) 990-5279 Access Code: 2920862
- Wed, Sep 2, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- via Conference Call - 1 (978) 990-5279 Access Code: 2920862
- Wed, Oct 7, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- via Conference Call - 1 (978) 990-5279 Access Code: 2920862
- Wed, Dec 2, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- via Conference Call - 1 (978) 990-5279 Access Code: 2920862
- Wed, Jan 6, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- via Conference Call - 1 (978) 990-5279 Access Code: 2920862
- Next Meetings:
Minutes prepared by Planning Board Secretary
Minutes approved on Wednesday, Aug 5, 2020