Colrain Achieves Complete Streets Tier 2 Status
The Town has recently achieved Tier 2 status in the MASSDOT Complete Streets Program allowing it to apply for and access Tier 3 funding.
How the Program Works
The program utilizes three program tiers to help municipalities advance their Complete Streets initiatives from policy, to plan, to projects.
Tier 1: Complete Streets Training & Policy
Municipality representative attends a free MassDOT Complete Streets training and the
community develops and passes a Complete Streets policy.
Tier 2: Complete Streets Prioritization Plan
Municipalities develop a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. MassDOT provides up to
$38,000 for technical assistance to assist in the development if needed.
Tier 3: Complete Streets Project Construction
Municipalities are eligible to receive up to $500,000 in construction funding to implement
a project identified in their Prioritization Plan.
The Town is currently working on a priority project application to obtain Tier 3 construction funding. The application will be submitted this fall with the goal of funding a project in the Spring/Summer of 2024.
Posted: to General Town News on Thu, Aug 10, 2023
Updated: Thu, Aug 10, 2023