Colrain Solar Action Information Session
Come learn about solar options for Colrain, Saturday April 27, 5:00pm at the Colrain Central School

Colrain Solar Action Information Session
In general, the 100 Colrain respondents to the Community Solar Survey are strongly motivated to combat climate change and supportive of solar development. In the Survey, 98% of respondents reported they are “extremely” or “moderately” concerned about climate change, and 90% indicated they have a “positive” or “very positive” attitude towards solar development. To meet community needs, we would need to install about 15 times the amount of solar currently installed in town!
Residential solar systems are a financially feasible option for many Colrain residents because the cost of a monthly electricity bill is at this time higher than the cost of a solar loan payment, so a resident with a new solar system installed could pay less per month for electricity than one without, and after the loan is repaid, the solar system will continue to generate free electricity! Furthermore, there is a federal tax credit that pays up to 30% of the cost of a solar installation and a state tax credit of an additional $1,000. And, you can earn Renewable Energy Credits for each MWh of solar energy that is generated, which further lowers the cost of ownership. Join us on April 27 to find out more!
Learn about solar options:
· Can I put solar panels on my roof?
· What financial aid is available?
· Can I join a community solar project?
Please join Zara Dowling, from UMASS, and the Colrain Energy Committee at a public meeting on Saturday, April 27, 5:00 PM at the Colrain Central School
OR via Zoom at
For more information:
Posted: to Energy Committee on Thu, Apr 11, 2024
Updated: Thu, Apr 11, 2024