Invitation for Bids - CANCELLED
PV Solar for Colrain Highway Garage
Thank you for your interest in IFB 20200311 Solar Installation on Colrain Highway Garage (due 3/11/20) . This BID HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
If you have any questions please contact Chief Procurement Officer Andrea Woods at or assistant CPO Ellen Batchelder at at ext. 131.
Thank you,
Andrea Woods, MCPPO
Chief Procurement Officer
Franklin Regional Council of Governments
John W. Olver Transit Center
12 Olive Street, Suite 2
Greenfield, MA 01301
Ph 413-774-3167 x 104
Fax 413-774-3169 Email
FRCOG IFB 20200311
The Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) will accept sealed bids on behalf of the
Town of Colrain for a 25 kW -30kW DC (3 phase) Solar PV System Installation project on the roof
of the Colrain Highway Garage located at 9 Jacksonville Road, Colrain, MA. The bid shall be
conducted under the requirements of M.G.L. c. 149.
Sealed bids should be marked “Colrain Highway Garage PV IFB 20200311” and will be
received by Andrea Woods, Chief Procurement Officer, FRCOG, 12 Olive Street, Suite 2,
Greenfield, MA 01301 until MARCH 11, 2020 at 2 pm at which time the bids will be opened in
public. Emailed or faxed bids will not be accepted.
A mandatory prebid site visit will be conducted on FEBRUARY 18, 2020 at 2:30PM at the Highway
Garage. If there is severe weather, the Snow Date will be February 21, 2020 at 2:30pm.
Planholders will be notified by 5pm the day before if the Snow Date will be used.
Wage rates for this bid are subject to prevailing wage rates as per MGL Chapter 149, Section 26
- 27f inclusive, attached. A bid deposit in the amount of 5% is required. A 50% payment bond is
required at contract signing of the winning bidder.
Bid specifications are available by request from Only bidders who have
downloaded the bid from this site will be automatically notified of any addenda or meeting
The awarding authority is the Colrain Selectboard. The Town of Colrain reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all bids in total or in part as they may deem to be in the best public interest.
Andrea Woods, Chief Procurement Officer
February 5, 2020
The Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) and the Town do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or gender with respect to admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services or activities. If you would like accessibility or language accommodation, please contact the Title VI Coordinator at 413-774-3167 (voice) (MA Relay System: 800-439-2370), 413-774-3169 (fax), or
A link to the enitre document: Invitation for Bids PV Solar Colrain Highway Garage
Posted: to General Town News on Mon, Feb 3, 2020
Updated: Thu, Mar 5, 2020