*FCTS to Provide Meals for All Students Who Attend FCTS*
FCTS to Provide Meals for All Students Who Attend FCTS
Beginning Monday March 16th thru Tuesday April 7th , FCTS will begin delivering meals at designated drop off zones throughout Franklin County.

Dear Franklin County Technical School Families, March 15, 2020
Franklin County Technical School (FCTS) will be providing meals for all students who attend FCTS. Beginning Monday March 16th thru Tuesday April 7th , FCTS will begin delivering meals at designated drop off zones throughout Franklin County. If Franklin County Tech extends school closure beyond the above dates, FCTS will continue to provide meals. These meals will take the format of grab and go options for students to take home with them.
The following guidelines have been issued by the Department of Education in collaboration with USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which provide details for approved meals during school closures to be eligible for USDA reimbursement:
- Franklin County Tech is allowed provisions to feed any enrolled students at FCTS, regardless if they qualify for free and reduced lunch.
- FCTS will not deny any person under age 18 a meal
- Meals are not allowed to be sold to adults
- At each drop off zone, students will receive a complete lunch for that day and a breakfast for the following morning. FCTS will make one drop-off per day which includes both lunch and breakfast.
- FCTS will work in collaboration with Kuzmeskus Bus Company to drop-off food to various designated areas throughout Franklin County
- FCTS cafeteria staff will prepare food each day. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), ServSafe protocols, and OSHA guidelines will be implemented during food preparation and delivery of all meals. Meals will meet all temperature guidelines.
The following will be designated drop-off points with approximate times.
Bus 1: Most lunches with this bus approx. 100: Food drop-offs will include a sign in sheet. Busses arrive at FCTS at 10:15 AM to load food. All scheduled times are approximate, so please plan to be there 15 minutes early and/or stay 15 later in the event the bus is running late.
Bus 1: Kuzmeskus Bus Co.
- Pick up at Franklin County Tech: (10:35 AM)
- Meals drop off at Turners Falls Sheffield Elementary School (10:45 AM)
- Meals drop off at Unity Park Skate Park: (10:55 AM)
- Meals drop off at Food City Parking Lot (11:05 AM)
- Meals drop off at Farren Care Center (11:15 AM)
- Meals drop off at Yankee Candle Parking Lot (11:30 AM)
- Meals drop off at Whately Diner Parking Lot (11:40 AM)
- Meals drop off at Whately Elementary School (11:55 AM)
- Meals drop off at Sunderland Corner Store (Rt. 47 & 116) (12:10 PM)
- Meals drop off at Montague Library (12:25 PM)
Bus 2: Kuzmeskus Bus Co.
- Pick up at Franklin County Tech: (10:35 AM)
- Meals drop off at Millers Falls Library: (10:45 AM)
- Meals drop off at Northfield Post Office: (11:05 AM)
- Meals drop off at Dollar General Bernardston: (11:20 AM)
- Meals drop off at Four Leaf Clover Bernardston: (11:30 AM)
- Meals drop off at McDonalds Greenfield: (11:45 AM)
- Meals drop off at YMCA Greenfield: (11:55 AM)
- Meals drop off at Fosters Supermarket: (12:05 PM
- Meals drop off at Leyden Woods: (12:15 PM)
Bus 3: Kuzmeskus Bus Co.
- Pick up at Franklin County Tech: (10:35 AM)
- Meals drop off at Erving Town Hall: (10:50 AM)
- Meals drop off at Executive Inn Orange (off of Rt. 2): 11:05 AM)
- Meals drop off Walmart Parking Lot Orange: (11:20 AM)
- Meals drop off Wheeler Public Library (11:30 AM)
- Meals drop off at Wendell Town Library (11:45 AM)
Bus 4: Kuzmeskus Bus Co.
- Pick up at Franklin County Tech: (10:35 AM)
- Meals drop off at Buckland Shelburne Elementary School: (11:05 AM)
- Meals drop off at Colrain Fire Dept. (11:25 AM)
- Meals drop off at Heath Public Library: (11:35 AM)
- Meals drop off at Hawlemont Elementary School Charlemont/Hawley: (11:50 AM)
Posted: to General Town News on Tue, Mar 17, 2020
Updated: Tue, Mar 17, 2020