COVID-19 Update 3/31/20
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
As of Tuesday, March 31, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts reports 5752 cases, and there are 49 cases within Franklin County.
While the increase from last week may be unsettling, it was expected that cases in the the region would rise. Systems to identify, track, and monitor cases are in place and working. Included in these systems are measures to identify people who may be exposed, which allows us to minimize the risk of further transmission and limit the disease’s spread.
Colrain is a member of the FRCOG’s health district, the Cooperative Public Heath Service. Our town is served by the CPHS Public Health, Nurse Lisa White PhD RN, and two additional nurses who’ve recently joined staff. Lisa and her team track and monitor those ill with COVID-19 and notify local Boards of Health about cases. Additionally, they investigate, identify, and reach out any close contacts of confirmed cases. Their work includes putting in place isolation or quarantine of those ill or exposed. They take the time and care necessary to educate and explain, so people needing these measures have a full understanding of what they are being asked to do and why.
What WE can all do in the meantime is to continue social distancing and support one another in doing so:
Stay home – limit outings to those for essential needs only, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy.
Do get out to get fresh air or exercise, but avoid unnecessary contact with others when you do.
Maintain at least a 6-foot distance between yourself and others who are not in your household.
If you have underlying health issues, inquire about your local pharmacy/grocery store’s alternative hours for high risk individuals, or see if neighbors and friends can help out by making trips for you.
Continue to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, using soap and hot water when available. If soap and water are unavailable, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces: doorknobs and handles, computers, counters, phones & technology.
If you feel sick, even mildly, absolutely stay home unless you need medical care. When seeking medical care, call the provider first to describe your symptoms and let them know you’re coming in.
Visit these websites for more information and updates:
Additionally, call 2-1-1 with questions – no need to wait on the line, leave a call back number and you will be contacted. There is a “Call2Talk” option if you or others you know need emotional support during this stressful time.
Text COVIDMA to 888-777 on your cellphone to receive updates and alerts from the State.
Posted: to General Town News on Tue, Mar 31, 2020
Updated: Tue, Mar 31, 2020