About Colrain
The Town of Colrain, Massachusetts is located in Franklin County north of Shelburne Falls. The eastern border of Colrain follows the Green River, bordering Leyden with Greenfield to the southeast. To the west lies Heath, with Charlemont to the southwest, and to the north are the towns of Halifax and Guilford, Vermont. The town is in the northeastern part of the Berkshires and is home to two state forests -- Catamount State Forest to the Southwest, and half of the H.O. Cook State Forest to the northeast.
As of the 2020 U.S. census, there were 1,606 people living in Colrain. The Town employs an open town meeting led by a Select Board.
The Town was first settled in 1735, incorporated in 1761, and celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2011.
Be it known, that the Town of Colrain is a compassionate community whose residents respect the rights, dignity, and integrity of its citizens and visitors. As a welcoming community, we celebrate diversity, honor privacy and safety, and affirm and promote equality for all.