Town Clerk
Additional Pages
Town Clerk | Anna Lavarreda |
Office Hours |
Mondays and Tuesdays 4:30-9pm or by appointment |
Phone | (413) 624-7100 |
FAX | (413) 624-8852 | | |
Address | 55 Main Road, Colrain, MA 01340 |
***Street Listings and Dog License Notices have been delayed due to illness and will all be in the mail by Monday, Feb. 3rd. Sorry for any confusion.***
2025 Town Election Nomination Papers will be available to pick up from the Town Clerk starting Monday, Feburary 3rd.
They last day to OBTAIN nomination papers from the Town Clerk will be Monday March 24th at 5pm.
All nomination papers will be DUE BACK to the Town Clerk by 5pm on Tuesday, March 25th.
2025 Town Election will be held from 12pm - 7pm on Tuesday, May 13th, at Town Hall (55 Main Rd.)
Offices in Election (All 3-year Terms):
- Assessor (1)
- Constable (1)
- Library Trustees (2)
- MTRS Committee (1)
- Select Board (1)
- Town Clerk (1)
You can order and pay for birth, death, and marriage certificates, as well as dog and kennel licenses through our Online Payment Gateway.
Follow this link for online voter registration:
Apply Here to Request a Vote By Mail Ballot
Town Clerk's Duties
The Town Clerk's office provides many services to the general public, as well as to local, state and federal governments, including the follow:
- Chief election official: Voter registration, absentee ballots, oversight of polling place and conduct of elections, and records of all actions of Town Meetings.
- Maintains the municipal code, the official Town bulletin board, meeting postings, oaths of office, appointments and resignations of all Town Officials.
- Licensing officer: Marriage, Birth, Death Certificates; Business Certificates, Dog Licenses, Raffle Permits.
- Certified requests for public documents.
- Compilation of Annual Census and Street / Voting lists.
- This office responds to inquiries from the public as well as from other departments, boards and committees.
Annual Town Meeting and Running for office
Running for elected positions - How do I get on the ballot?
Nomination Papers - Nomination papers will be available on February 1st. There will be a listing of all offices to appear and the terms, including any vacancies posted at the town offices and on the town website. The deadline for submitting completed nomination papers to the board of registrars is listed above in RED (town clerk's office).
A total of 20 certified voter signatures are required for those running for office in Colrain. Candidates should complete their information on the nomination papers at the town office before collecting signatures.
Citizen’s Article - May voters place articles on the warrant?
Yes, voters may “insert” articles in the warrant. They have to do so before selectmen “close” the warrant.
To insert an article in the warrant for an annual Town Meeting, at least 10 registered voters of the town must sign a written request. The written request of registered voters for the insertion of subjects in town meeting warrants shall not be valid unless the required number of registered voters not only sign their names but also state their residence, with street and number, if any. Voters do not have to include their addresses after their signatures, but it is a good idea.
If you want a sample of an article to use to draft your own, go to town hall and ask for a copy of the annual report, or check if your town has a website and publishes the annual report there. The annual report will have warrants from the previous year’s Town Meeting, which you can use as samples. For further assistance, contact the town clerk or town counsel.
Citizens may insert an article in the warrant for a special Town Meeting. Selectmen shall insert in the warrant for every special town meeting all subjects which shall be requested by 100 registered voters or 10% of the total number of voters, whichever is lesser.
Registration Deadlines
In order to vote you must be registered:
- 20 days prior to all primaries and elections, and/or
- 10 days before a Special Town Meeting.
- When a voter registration date falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline falls back to previous workday
Post Warrants
- Annual Town Meeting
- 20 Days before Town Meeting
- Articles to be placed on warrant need to be submitted prior to this date
- For further information please contact Selectman – Town Clerk
- Special Town Meeting
- 14 Days before Town Meeting
- Articles to be placed on warrant need to be submitted prior to this date
- For further information please contact Selectman – Town Clerk
The campaign finance law requires local election officials to post locally-filed campaign finance
reports on their municipal website if the report discloses activity in excess of $1,000 during a
reporting period in one or more of the following categories: 1. contributions received; 2.
expenditures made; 3. liabilities incurred; 4. assets acquired; or 5. assets disposed of.1 The
statute requires campaign finance reports be posted within 30 days of a filing deadline. See
M.G.L. c. 55, §26. Reports must remain posted on a municipal website until Dec. 31 of the sixth
year following the date the statement or report was filed. See 970 CMR 1.15.
As of 2024, there are no campaigns that meet the $1000 threshold.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of this office to be a reliable provider of information and quality services to the community and its residents, and to work cooperatively and in concert with all departments, boards and committees while complying with state and local statutes.
Did you know that your veterinarian is required by law to notify the Town Clerk of rabies vaccinations obtained by resident dogs?
- Starting January 1st you may register your dog for the current year
- All dogs 6 months or older must be licensed every year with the Town Clerk
- You must have a current rabies certificate to obtain your license
- Licenses expire March 31st for the previous year
To renew a dog license during Covid:
Include the following with your payment:
- A renewal check (made payable to the Town of Colrain)
- A copy of the current rabies certificate
- Please Include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like the license and tag mailed back to you
If the Town Office is closed, the following is suggested to obtain your dog license:
- Drop the information and check in town office foyer mail slot or send in the mail. The license and tag will be mailed back to you or left in the foyer for you to pick up
- Call the Town Clerk to make arrangements (413-624-7100)
Pay online using Online Payment Gateway.
- Spayed and neutered dog licenses are $5.00
- Dogs not neutered or spayed are $10.00
- Kennel (1-4) $20, (5-10) $35, (over 10 dogs) $50
Late fine of $10.00 per dog on April 1st, late fine increased to $25.00 on May 15th.
Town Meeting Warrants and Results
Town Clerk Doc and Forms
Town of Colrain Records Access Officer
Anna Lavarreda, 55 Main Rd. Colrain, MA 01340