Real Estate Taxes FAQs
Real Estate Taxes FAQs
How to pay Taxes while the Collector’s office is closed
Current forms of payments include: Online Payments: By check or credit/debit card here. USPS mail: with a check, money order, cashier's check or certified bank check. Town Office mai... (Read More) -
How do I receive a real estate receipt?
To obtain a receipt, enclose a self-addresses stamped envelope and the entire bill with your payment. The taxpayer copy will be returned. -
How can I get a copy of my tax bill?
You can get an online copy of your tax bill here. You can also pay your tax bill online using the same link. -
When are real estate tax bills mailed and payments due?
Tax bills are mailed two times a year each mailing includes two bills. Due dates are August 1st, November 1st, Febraury 1st and May 1st. The tax bills are based on a fiscal year which runs from July 1... (Read More) -
Where should I mail my real estate tax payment?
Please mail payment to: Town of Colrain c/o Tax Collector 55 Main St. Colrain, MA 01340 Please make checks payable to the Town of Colrain. For proper crediting enclose the upper portion of your... (Read More) -
What methods can I use to pay my bills?
You can pay online here or mail your check and payment coupon to Town of Colrain, c/o Tax Collector, 55 Main St., Colrain, MA 01340. You can bring your payment directly to the Collector’s Off... (Read More) -
What should I do in the event I do not receive my bill?
Please make sure to provide the Board of Assessors with your current mailing address. Call the Collector’s office at 413-624-5549 to obtain a copy of the bill. If you are a new property owner... (Read More) -
New tax bill mailing address?
If you have a new address and want your bill mailed there as a permanent change, contact the Board of Assessor’s Office. -
What happens if I do not pay my tax bill on time?
Tax payments must be received on or before the due date to avoid interest charges. If payment is not made within 30 days of the original date of mailing, the account will begin to accrue interest at t... (Read More) -
What do I need to do if my mortgage company pays my taxes?
If a bank or mortgage company escrows your taxes, it is your responsibility to make sure that they make timely payments. By law tax bills are mailed to the property owner. Check with your bank or mort... (Read More) -
Why should I pay interest on a late payment when I never received my tax bill?
Under state law, failure to receive a bill does not affect the validity of the tax or any interest or fines incurred due to late payment(s). It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to secure his/h... (Read More) -
How can I change the tax bill to my name after purchasing property?
The Assessor’s Office is required by Massachusetts General Law to bill the assessed owner as of January 1, therefore, any transfer between January 2nd and December 31st will not be reflected on ... (Read More)