What happens if my payment is late?
If an excise is not paid within 30 days from the date of issue a demand bill is sent. The charge for a demand bill is $20.00. Interest accrues on the overdue bill from the day after the due date until payment is received. The interest rate on excise is 12%. If the demand bill is not paid within 14 days, the collector may issue a warrant to the deputy tax collector. The deputy tax collector sends the warrant notice to the taxpayer with an additional fee of $12.00. If payment is still not received, the deputy will deliver a service warrant with an additional fee of $17.00. All bills will clearly state the interest and penalty charges.
Never ignore an excise bill. Bills must be paid or abated in full to avoid additional charges. If you no longer own a vehicle or think you may be entitled to an adjustment, you should contact the Assessor’s Office at 413-624-3356 for further information. Filing for an abatement does not alter the due date or the resulting schedule of fees and interest.
Appears in: Motor Vehicle Taxes FAQs