What is a Tax Title?
If the account remains delinquent after June 30th of the fiscal year, a tax lien (a legal claim placed on property for debt) is placed on the property and is recorded with the Franklin County Registry of Deeds. In addition, the property is placed in the tax title system. A tax lien is the first step in the foreclosure process. All taxes, costs and interest must be paid to prevent foreclosure. Before a tax lien is placed on a property, the homeowner is notified by letter and given time to bring the taxes to a current status. An advertising in the local newspaper is also part of the tax lien process.
Once the tax title lien has been recorded at the Registry the account is turned over to the Town Treasurer for collection. The property owner is again given an opportunity to pay the past due taxes and fees (redeem). If the property owner does not redeem the property in a timely manner the Treasurer may begin foreclosure proceedings in Land Court.
Appears in: Tax Title FAQs